Monday, January 30, 2006


When I did my schooling in India I used to love the day when it was someone's Birthday. He/She would be dressed in a color outfit while the whole school wore Navy blue and white. Both (Veena - my sister and me) our birthdays were during the summer months, so we never got to do this. (Now I think of it, imagine the amount of money our dad saved by not buying candy for 24 years - 12 for Veena and 12 for me for 60 some people).

When ever I got candy for someone's b'day, if they were real close to me I would ask them for another candy and would take both home so Veena and I could share. Veena did the same thing. I do not remember when we started doing this, but we did it since our primary school days. One day something special happened to somebody and they distributed cake to whole of primary section (By cake I mean the small cubed shape that is made for one person. I think it is called pastry cake). I was in 5th grade and Veena in 8th. So I got cake and Veena didn't. I washed my luch box, put the cake in there and brought it home to share it with Veena.

I came home and showed the cake to my sister and we both for so happy. Mom told us to go wash us so we can eat it. Veena and I went to clean up and mom stepped out for something. Then the most depressing thing happened, our neighbor's cat came and ate that cake. I was so sad that I started crying and I told mom "I was doing the right thing by bringing it home, but I didn't get to eat it. All my friends who ate by themselves got to eat it, but not me." Veena tried to tell me that it was okay and it was just a cake.

I was upset the whole evening till dad came home with a whole cake. And that was one of the happiest days in my childhood. And it is not because I got a whole cake (almost, shared it with Veena), but if that day my dad wouldn't have brought that cake home I would not believe in sharing anymore.

Even to this day I can share anything with my friends and families wholeheartedly.


Rays Of Sun said...

Hey u and Veena share exact same things like me and Tai. I never ate anything without giving my tai. When my dad or mom gave me something, I would say "Tai la" which means "What about sister? did you give it to her"

Sujith said...

wow! tht was so sweet! btw i never went to school with candies except for once. i was a shy kid at school. once my father forcefully gave me a set of candies. i took it to school but didnt distribute it. the evening i myself had to eat the entire 60 odd candies at one go so that the packet turns empty :p

silverine said...

This was such a sweet post!!! I never liked sweets so bought it home for my second brother. In fact all my pocket money also went to him as I was too busy playing to go to the tuck shop. But he in turn did all the lugging of my heavy school bag and other little stuff for me. This post made me so senti.

Eclectic Blogger said...

wow.. i never had a chance to do such things.. for one, i had a very monstrous bro.. and he was way younger as well :)

Geo said...

Great post, Thanu...

dont know what to write, but ur writing is really touching...

Anonymous said...

Cute story :-). Was it a coincidence...with your dad bringing a cake home?

Anonymous said...


Such Sweet Memories from childhood....In school I remember being the big mean brother of 2 cute lil Girls ( My Sisters..) and no one would dare mess with them.I would go down to check on them every now & then.They were my responsibilty once inside the school compound.I was The BOY in their life.So like you said.. if there was any birthday boy or girl..all three of us would get extra candies to share it with each other...ahhh lovely days.Now both of them are married and well they do have more important guys then me in their life. I sure do miss those wonderful days of innocence & unconditional Sharing. Thank You Thanu for SHARING this and taking me back to good old days...:)

div said...

wow sweet post.. even my brother(8yrs younger to me) shares sweets with me like u did..
but i never shared anything with him ..and i have realised it many times..
i hav a question ..does ur sister too shares with u??? or this sharing thing happens only with the younger sibs..

educatedunemployed said...

Very very touching.Its beautiful the relation ship you and your sister share.
And so true,Had your father not made the effort...
I am so glad he bought you that cake too.

Nandya said...


Thanu said...

$Rays Of Sun
I know sisters rule..

60 candies... wow I needn't be shy to do that. I wud have hid 30 for next day.

What is tuck shop? U mean truck. Veena used to go to school bye cycle and I used to she used to take my bag to school everyday.

$Eclectic Blogger
May be us shud start sharing now.

Thank you. For u to something is touchy... that is a great compliment.

No it was not a co incidence. Mom called and told him to bring the cake.

U r always welcome....
No matter how many years u sisters aer married, or how many kids they are gonna have u are still gonna be very special to them.

Veena shares everything too. Even to this day when we visit each other, we exchange outfits.

If dad would not have brought the cake, I would have become selfish (maybe).

Thank you.

Srinivas said...

Awwwwwwwwww. That was sweet. Simple and nice post.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I remember doing the same thing with ma younger bro....whenever someone used to give me chocs or something to eat...I used to take it back home and share it with ma bro and he too used to do the same thing for me...

And then before going to sleep, tell him everything that happend during the day..and he used to do the same....

This post made me nostalgic for a moment :)

Anoop said...

Wonderful writing skills. Amazing blog

Thanu said...


Bad cat, hence bad guy.

Thank you, Welcome here and hope to see you around.

Haven't seen you for a while. We used to share our whole day stories too. We went to same school, parents always used to ask, what do u guys have so much to talk.

Welcome here and hopt to see you around. Thanks you for such a great compliment.

Anonymous said...

@Tuck shop means the school shop where you get those tonsillitis inducing popsicles and sticky candies :))

@Div: I dont thing this sharing habit is restricted to younger siblings cos i got a lot of goodies like chewing gum from my brothers. I used to love chewing gum so it always came to me :) said...

thanu :

kya mast post tha, looks like we both went down the memory lane.

I also used to bring candies for my siblings though they would distribute their
own candies with us. It was like a surprise when one fine hot afternoon after
lunch , my bro or sis will present me a candy. I would be in 7th heaven, seriously.

Indeed a memory down the lane, post :))


Anonymous said...


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS for sure...!!! its 3 day weekend for me lemme get my Private Jet out....

So nice of you. Thank You... :)

kickassso said...

hmm, my sister brings it home too, but not to give me, but to eat in FRONT of me!

navy blue n white:-? where didja study?

Jagan said...

my sis nor me (as kids ) cud ever do that :-) ....but things are diff now.

how i wish my sis was sweeter and she got my cakes ..ofc , she sudnt expect the same from me :-p

Anonymous said...

Nice. It's nice to reminisce about the past. I guess there are little incidents in everyone's childhood that in one way or the other, changes things considerably. Ususally we tend to take it for granted or just share it with a few people, for fear of it being trivialised. Atleast that's the way I work (Yup! I'm demented :-))) I completely respect you for having put up that post!!


Virdi said...

my birthday was during winter vacations... :-) and the best gift I got was the Shahenshah outfit...



Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Thanu...time for you to share a new posty with all of us now :)

What say?

Arun R said...

The worst thing abt being a single child is that u dont know the meaning of the word 'share'.

White & Navy Blue uniforms??? did u do ur schooling in a KV (Kendriya Vidyalaya)??

Anonymous said...

aaawww, that was such a nice post. Loved it