Talking ...
As a kid I was a huge fan of Enid Blyton books. I read all the books our local library had back then. One of my favorite characters was Amelia Jane. Amelia Jane was this doll that came to life after dark (or when so one was around - something to that effect). So I used to believe that when I went to sleep everything in my house would come to life, like table, chair, books and what not. So I started talking to these things like they had life. My parents found it amusing may be they never stopped me. This went on for a while.
As I grew older, I continued talking to inanimate objects. Since everyone started looking at me funny, I only talked to these things when I was alone.
Years went by and I forgot about this habit. I don't know if I stopped doing this or I just did it so often that it had become common to me. Yesterday, Shekar and I car pooled to work and when I got back I asked my car, "How are you today? I missed you." Shekar just stared at me, that is when I realized, I still talk to things.
*takes your temperature* You been out in the Sun too long Girl ;). Just kidding ...I talk to Blu & Baalu my teddy's sometimes.I know some people who have names for their Cellphones,Lappy's I guess they talk to them too.Cheers!!
Hahaha! I know what you mean, girl! :P
Finally this lazy bummer found time to blogroll you! :P
Aww..Cho chweet:)Off late..I am cho chweeting every thing:))
BTW, again we have s'thing in common girl..I do that too..I talk to my excel sheets, talking to them in marathi "Are, changla result de na mala"..which means"hey, please give me good results)"
ha ha ha....
I talk aloud to myself!! But never talked to "things".
lol...i remember in school one of my teachers would say..if you talk to plants..they respond to you and grow faster and bear beauitful flowers soon...
like in the movie akela..big b..talks to his car..and the car actually responds and runs faster...
is your car responding as well? check it out...
cute :)
Lotion,soap, and now teddy? Even I don't have teddy bears.
Good, I'm not alone.
I know what you mean, not just to cars I talk to everything.
You should try, very therapeutic. Especially when u get to yell at these things and they don't talk back.
My mom is big believer in talking to plants. She has a huge garden and she walks around talking to them. Maybe that's where I got the habit.
ha ha.. that was interesting :-)) btw i name things ;-))
I name few things, like my car but not a lot. But I talk to all of them.
Welcome to by blog. Thank you for ur kind words. I don't think myself as a writer.
from Kerala.
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